What a Big Boy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jackson Comes Home!

We were released from the hospital today and we made our first trip home with baby Jackson! So far, he is doing a lot of sleeping and eating! He definitely likes to be comfy like his parents. He doesn't like it when a light shines on him and he puts his hands over his eyes. It is especially hard for him becuase everyone wants to take picutres of him and he squints every time!
Jackson right before he left the hospital.....

Jackson on the car ride home.....

Jackson with his grandpa....

Jackson sleeping.....

More pictures to come in the near future!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Jackson Robert Boldrey Has Arrived!

We would like to welcome Jackson Robert Boldrey to our family! After being in labor from 12:30am-2:30pm, we finally got to meet the baby that has been flipping, turning, and kicking his mommy for the past several months! He is 6 pounds 2 ounces and is 20 inches long. Here are a few pictures:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Baby Shower Feb. 28th 2009...

Here are some pictures from our baby shower on Saturday Feb. 28th! everything was so cute! As you can see, we got so many presents we were worried there wouldn't be enough time to get them all opened. Thanks to Jimmy, Amy, Lori, Jackie, and Shannon helping out we did get them opened with a little time to spare. All of the gifts are in Baby Boldrey's roomand ready to go. We came back here after the shower and washed/organized everything. Thank you Amanda for all of your mommy advice after the shower with what everything was and what to do with all of it. Without it, I would have been much more overwelmed! Oh, and thanks again to Amy and Lori for throwing such a fun and successful shower for Baby Boldrey. We are so lucky to have all of our family and friends here for us at such an exciting time!!!
Jimmy trying to pose with the baby's gifts.

Look at all of our gifts. Like I said, what a lucky baby:)

Go Cubs!!! (What do you think about this outfit Uncle Brad?!?!?!?)

Paintings thats Auntie Lori painted for the baby. She worked so hard on them and they are so precious. My favorite one is obviously the monkey on the swing. I vote for Lori having an Art Show that we can all go to. She usually doesn't tell anyone about them and her work is so amazing!