What a Big Boy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back to School!

Knock, knock...Who's there? Jackson!

Another backpack picture. I think I might start to develop and kep one fore every year! This is the school that he goes to while I go to work. It's just a few blocks from my school:)

This is outside of Gracies in Frankfort. Some older kids were climbing a tree, so naturally Jackson was watching and very curious!

Already a charmer

Just a regular day at home with daddy!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July Parade...

We went to the Mokena Parade on the 4th and it was right up his alley! Firetrucks, police, loud bands, cars, and most of them honking at him! I wish we could bring him more often to parades. I haven't been to one in a while but I knew we needed to bring him because of his passion for anything on wheels! Here are some pics of us parading! And yes, that is my HOT husband in the pic above! :)

Amy and Jackson, I was probably in their way of the "beep beep cars" when taking this

OK so he is done with the camera now...

Or maybe one more with Amy, or AKA Mimi!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ori and Jackson

Ella and Jackson helping put the bean bags back in the right board

Matt caoching him on how to properly use a water gun

Me and Lori

Practicing with floaties at home. (Moms know you always have to talk things up at home first!)


Here I wasn't sure how Jackson would feel about swimming and he ends up jumping off the diving board countless times! So proud:) Happy Birthday Kelly and thanks for having us over, sooo freakin fun everytime!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Sometimes I think about what to put on the blog that Jackson would one day appreciate. This is a great example of that because we all joke about how much he loves to eat and the true enjoyment he gets out of it. Really, he is just like any adult in that way:)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Easter Time!

The next generation of cousins, and thats not even all of them! (But definately some precious little faces)

The big Easter Egg hunt that my aunt and uncle host every year...so fun for all of the kids and so grateful to have such a great family to make the day special for Jackson

Cousins <3

Grandpa time watching water polo


Monday, March 28, 2011

More Birthday Pics

Thomas was invited to celebrate the Big day...
A guitar to help with his musical skills.
Jackson teaching Kee Kee about cars and trucks
...And same here with grandpa!