What a Big Boy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Our House/Hole

Marissa, Amanda, Jackie, me, and Kelly at Kelly and Brad's Ugly Christmas sweater party. As you can tell, this was early on in the night. This was a big night out for Jimmy and I so we got really excited about food, beer, flippy cup, etc. It's been way to long since I played flippy cup! Great party Kelly and Brad.
A little later in the night but at least Jackie has her 297 with her! I wish I had gotton more pictures but I have never been known to be the photographer!

Here is "Our Hole" as of almost 2 weeks ago. We try to go see whats going on with the house over the weekends and get some pictures. Jimmy's parents have been driving by almost everyday and been giving us updates too. So far, it seems like everything has been going smoothly. Cross your fingers that it continues. They poured the foundation last week and are supposed to start the frame this week so we will see how it looks this weekend again. I can't wait to finally have our house that we have been talking about since we got married! I always say that its going to feel like a mansion when we move in compared to the condo. We are so lucky to be able to build a brand new house! Jacksons girlfriend Olivia will be right down the street so he is already trying to come up with ways to sneak out of the house!
Me and Jackson
A more recent photo. I know these are probably blah to everyone else but definately the most exciting hole I have ever went to see in New Lenox!
Here is Olivia with Jackson. I swear they are in love. I know she looks like she doesn't want anything to do with him here, but thats just because Jackson tries to climb on her and touch a lot. Look at how much bigger he is than her! In a few months they will be all over the place together.
Laying down on the changing table doesn't happen as easily anymore. Who wouldn't want to play with blinds, right?!?!?!

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