What a Big Boy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I just wanted to check in and say hi! Jackson is full of laughing (he is very ticklish) and is now holding his own bottle! It is hard to just watch him drink it when I;m so used to holding it for him. He has two teeth that are on the bottom that you can see when he opens his mouth, and sharp too! He is rolling all over the place and now I have to really keep a close eye on him. Just this week, he is finally starting to sleep better at daycare. He has always seemed to like it there but he would come home exhausted and sleep til 5, then I felt like I didn't get to see him much:( Oh, and Jackson has to get his 6 month shots today so cross your fingers that it doesn't upset him to much. Jimmy is going along for this one so he may have to be the strong one for both Jackson and I, haha. On another note, our house is still up in the air but hopefully we will know everything for sure by tomorrow?!?!??! If I didn' already tell you, it appraised for less than what we agreed on so if the seller doesn't agree to decrease the price than we will have to walk away from it for several reasons. We just hope that he is willing to work with us because I already feel attatched to the house and have pictured us living in it lots of times. I will try to post some pictures/videos this weekend when I have more time. In the meantime, I can't wait to get together with my friends tomorrow night for our "First Friday of Every Month" get-together!!! I have been looking forward to it all week!!! Jackson is of course pumped about it too, considering he will have plenty of girls to flirt with!

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