What a Big Boy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thanks Uncle Brad for the studdly Denver Broncos outfit. Jimmy said he can do the Broncos but no Sox gear Brad:) I think this may be one of my favorite pictures of him so far!!!
What a big boy! Riding a horse at a family fish fry last Saturday.

I think he was actually a little interested in the horse.

I couldnt resist, this is Jackson with my grandma and my cousin Meghans daughter, Kenzie. What a good lookin family!

A night out at Boffalo Wild Wings. We joke that we used to go to the bar on Tuesdays for "the coldest beer in town" but now we sit in the family section. Amy and Gunars were nice enough to join us in the family section. Of course, we still sampled a beer. Jackson also flirted with the whole L-W East Volleyball team that was sitting next to us, I think its the ears on his hoodie that did it in for him:)

Here is Jackson trying orange Juice for the first time at breakfast. His face explains it all! I hope you enjoy:)

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